Quoxent is Redefining Logistics…

…and we want you to help!

As we scale the Quoxent system globally, we are looking for companies who would be willing to be run trials using Quoxent-integrated hardware and software for their business purposes. While our first push is in the field of logistics, we will accept applications from businesses in a variety of industries. Please fill out the form below to submit you company’s information so that we can consider it for our trials and get in touch with you. 


8 + 15 =

Note: The signature of a standard non-disclosure agreement will be required prior to the granting of access to the Quoxent hardware and test ecosystems. 

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 Quoxent (/ˈkwōSHənt/) (ticker: QUO) is a Proof-of-Stake and Masternode-based Cryptocurrency. We are a data agnostic IoT chain designed for the purpose of data transmission and verification for the IoT world.